Friday 17 April 2015

Growing up bilingual, how to teach her my language

Whaatt? My child will learn English as her main language? How on earth is that possible when I grew up speaking Swedish? What do you mean she won't have a Swedish accent? She is Canadian? What???
Haha, well although I logically know this is how it is and how it will be, I still can think that it's a bit strange.

Sometimes I feel very stressed when I think about the huge responsibility I have to teach little B Swedish. I'm like the only one around her who speaks Swedish, which makes me solely responsible for her learning the language. In other words; Help!

What also freaks me out is how my own Swedish language skills can be lacking. Sometimes I have trouble finding the right words and I can mix English words with Swedish. It's like the opposite way of Swenglish and that my friends, sounds pretty darn bad!

To help me teach little B Swedish, I gathered some useful tips. Here is what I came up with so far:

How to teach your child your native language

  • Read, read, read books in your native language. I mostly read for little B when we eat. 
  • Talk! Apparently you have to talk to your child in your language even if people around you (like dad and cousins) does not speak your language. I think this is pretty difficult since my husband doesn't speak Swedish. I try to do it but it's a challenge. I do however speak Swedish when we are alone all the time.
  • Sing. We sing a lot and listen to Swedish music on YouTube. 
  • Watch programs for kids in your language. I use Apple TV to stream some Swedish programs for her.  
  • Use Skype to communicate with relatives in your country.
  • Apps, I know little B is probably too little for apps but I have used them. Swedish learning apps are good!
  • Hire an Au Pair from your country. this is probably not for everyone, but it would help a lot! At the very least, my husband would be a happy camper having another woman around, haha.
  • Spend time with people from your country and travel to your country. Pretty obvious that this would help. However, might be difficult to fulfil...

Little B learning Swedish
Little B with her Swedish books
Anyways, to me, it's just so important that she learns Swedish. I mean, Swedish is part of me, a huge part! I think that she will be happy when she grows up that she is bilingual! 

Little B's mom


  1. Det är ju jättebra om Brooke lär sig svenska, hon är trots allt halvsvenska, det kommer gå bra med en sådan ambitiös och duktig mamma som hon har...Pussar från Brookes mormor...

  2. As a parent, it's sometimes hard to think that your child will learn a different language than what you speak, but that's what happens when the child goes to school and is around other children. Talk to the child in the native language, read books and make sure the child knows of the home language first.

    Sean @ Excel Translations

  3. Thanks for your comment! Yes, I try my best with books, music and talk! Hopefully it will work!
