Tuesday 6 January 2015

Homemade Baby Food

It is a lot of fun now when little B can eat baby food. I started feeding her cereal in the mornings when she was five months old. After that I gave her carrots, sweet potatoes, squash and peas. She also tried blueberries, peach and apples. However, I try to make some baby food at home. Since I am not a super chef I only make some simple stuff. However, It is really not that hard and it saves you a lot of money. It is also nice to know what ingredients you put in and it gives me the option to buy organic ingredients whenever I feel the need for that. So far I made carrots, sweet potatoes and apple sauce at home. I boil the ingredients first and then mix it in the blender.

Carrot pureeing the other night and little B tasting some homemade apple sauce (looks happy so far about my kitchen efforts)

Making carrot baby food

I find that it is easier to make a lot at the same time, seems like it mixes better in the blender. I use small cups to store leftovers in the freezer.

I have yet to try some kind of meat mixture....but seems a bit nasty to puree meat.....
And I heard you should add some butter to your homemade food.....is that true....? I will try that when I  make some broccoli puree. 

The pureeing continues...I will let you know what little B thinks of my cooking skills.

Ok all you moms and dads out there, You are doing a great job!
Xxx Bs mom

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