Wednesday 28 January 2015

Cauliflower and broccoli baby food, yumm!

I am glad little B likes veggies, but who knows, that might change once she has a taste of candy (and candy canes and candy corns..=) Well at least she likes veggies now so that is a good thing!

Yesterday, I cooked her some cauliflower and broccoli puree. Just boiled it and mixed it in the blender with some water and a little bit of butter. She enjoyed it and I actually thought it tasted pretty darn good myself!

Baby food - broccoli and cauliflower
Boiling veggies
Blending baby food
Puree with the help of the ninja

To perfect my kitchen skills, I think I will look for a steamer, so I don't need to boil the vegetables. That will probably preserve more of the vitamins.
I store her baby food in these little cups (baby cubes). However, I have to use two of them now since she eats so much.
Baby cubes food storage
Baby cubes food containers

Ok, have a nice day!


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